Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Speckled Band

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English Literature Coursework GCSE

Analyse a Short Story

Sherlock Holmes: “The Speckled Band”

“The Speckled Band” was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and is a

murder mystery. It was set in 1883 in a wealthy area of London. It is

so realistic that many people believe that Holmes and Watson really

did exist.

Sherlock Holmes is the detective and, as is usual in this type of

story, he has a sidekick. This is Watson who documents the cases in

diary form, “The Speckled Band being one entry.

The short story begins with Miss Helen Stoner visiting Sherlock Holmes

to ask for help with the case of her sister’s murder. She tells us the

story of how her sister, Julia, was engaged and about to get married.

Julia was made to move rooms for unnecessary repairs, which their

stepfather had ordered.

She then tells of her stepfathers’ past and the death of her mother.

The stepfather, Dr. Grimesby Roylott, had a history of gambling

problems and lost a lot of money through his addiction. He ventured to

India to continue his profession as a doctor in a small practice. This

is where he met Julia and Helen’s mother, who was at the time a rich

widow. They became close and married, but after sometime, Dr. Roylott

became violent and bad tempered. Then, tragically, the girls’ mother

unexpectedly died in the Crewe rail crash and left Dr. Roylott in

charge of the money, which the girls would receive when they marry.

Helen believes the death of Julia was suspicious and now she herself

is to be married, she fears for her life. She begs for help and

Holmes agrees to assist her.

Sherlock Holmes spends the rest of the story deducing who the murderer

is. He does this by piecing together the clues, in true detective


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...mes tells Watson not to go to sleep as his “very life may

depend on it.” Another example is Holmes telling Watson to get his

pistol ready in case they need it quickly. This makes us think they

are unsafe and there are many ways they are in grave danger. Watson

also refers to the whole experience as a “dreadful vigil”.

I enjoyed this short story because of Conan Doyle’s writing methods. I

was kept enthralled by his technique of using suspense and ‘red

herrings’. I think this is a good way of keeping your audience

interested in the story as “The Speckled Band” is a complicated tale

and needs explaining as well as enjoying. The author kept me

interested as well as clarifying the parts I was unsure of by subtly

describing events in depth and referring to things previously read in

the story. All in all I enjoyed “The Speckled band” by Sir Arthur

Conan Doyle.

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