Sinc Since The Scandals: Theater Analysis

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The presentation of the theater piece fulfilled the intention of providing comedic, good-humored entertainment, but did not have the impact on the audience that was desired.
There were many moments where it was expected for the audience to laugh, but they did not. Some weaknesses in the scene were that the actors needed to be more emotionally connected to the scene to make the characters more real and entertaining to watch. No audience member wants to watch a scene where the actors do fully commit. Also, with the election about a month away from the performance date, the political tensions may have been high and less of a laughing matter. Yet, there were some successes as some jokes did receive laughter and the piece was entertaining. There were also no jokes that offended anyone. We stayed inside the lines as we did not want anyone to feel uncomfortable. Language was kept in G rated category as this would not have provided any substance to the work and would have ruined the goal of making this a good-humored scene. …show more content…

One being a reference to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and this was done when Secretary of State Linda (the character in the gray sweater) states, “Here delete these emails for me.” It was chosen to include this scandal in the work because this is the most prominent scandal in the election against the Democratic nominee. Choosing Sectary of State Linda to deliver this line was another connection as Hillary Clinton was Sectary of State when this was written. These two items made it clear to the audience what we were alluding to. Since this was a hot topic, this did elicit some reaction and this one choice was

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