Sin City

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“Sin City” (2005) used various camera and special effects to recreate a world created on static flat medium onto a moving medium. Robert Rodriguez worked with Frank Miller; the artist of the “Sin City” comics, although not legally co-directors they both took on directing positions in filming the film. There was also the guest directing of Quentin Tarantino in a scene with Dwight played by Clive Owen and Jackie boy played by Benicio Del Toro. The cinematography of the film is impressive because it was shot digitally using mainly green screen in a studio in what could be considered a short amount of time. The use of green screen allowed for innovative forms of storytelling while still incorporating traditional modes of storytelling. The format …show more content…

Parts of the car were CGI created and Del Toro used the red fluorescent liquid for blood so that it could later be white. The car is shown in the rain and special effects was able to control the how pronounced it was since it was digitally added in with the car, otherwise if shot with real water it would have to be carefully lit. Although, CGI is able to create the set for the scene, it is the camera angles, cuts and actors that are able to fully flesh out the scene and immerse the viewer into the story. To emphasize the paranoia and quickness the camera moves from one actor then another. The camera also pans around actors using the light to create various shadows onto the face. However, white is constantly used to separate the actors from the background except for Jackie’s hair that blends into the background and works as an extension of the darkness. This scene is also one of the few where color is introduced. It is the changing street light colors that indicate the movement through the streets and the neon style of the city by reflection off the white blood, white rain and reflective surfaces of the car. When there are moments crucial to the plot of the film the camera quickly zoomes into the actors faces, to record their reactions. There are also quick changes to shots of the empty gas light, that indicates problems for Dwight. The scene is carefully composed to only include necessity detail, and by maintaining mostly with in the car it communicates the claustrophobia and paranoia being experienced by Dwight. Although, CGI plays an important part in creating the scene for the viewer, it is the camera work that conveys the feelings in this

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