Simple Curboidal Epithelia

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What tissue is on the slide? The tissue is ciliated simple cuboidal epithelia. How I identified this? I knew it was epithelia as the cells on the slide were connected to form sheets that were attached to a basement membrane, two characteristics of epithelia tissue. (Urry, L.A. et al., 2017) Epithelia cells are polar meaning that they always have one side of the cell facing a lumen (cavity) which is another way I identified these cells as epithelial. (Urry, L.A. et al., 2017) I identified it was simple epithelia as there was only one layer of cells and they were all connected to the basement membrane. (Urry, L.A. et al., 2017 ) It was identified as cuboidal as the cells looked like squares. They were also identified as this as they had their nucleus placed centrally in the cells. (Mitchell, B.S. & Peel, S 2009) The tissue is also ciliated and this can be seen in the lumen as there are areas that are blurred in the slide which suggest cilia as the cells are smaller that of epithelia. (Mitchell, B.S. & Peel, S 2009) …show more content…

Simple cuboidal epithelia can be from many glands but since the tissue in the slide is ciliated it is likely to be a gland or organ that would absorb molecules such as kidney tubules, lining of ducts in the liver. (Mitchell, B.S. & Peel, S 2009) (Urry, L.A. et al.,

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