Simone Biles Decision To Take Away From The Olympics

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In the face of adversity, staying strong in one’s beliefs and principles requires a certain type of courage, known as moral courage. This positive quality drives people to challenge existing norms and take a stand for what they believe to be right and just, even when there is a risk of disapproval from society. By looking at the concept of intelligent disobedience, Simone Biles’ decision to withdraw from the Olympics, and Rosa Parks’ widely known act of defiance, they both decided to continue with their decision because they believed it was the right thing to do despite the consequences they would face. Therefore, it can be argued that moral courage is demonstrated when anyone stands up for what is right, even when faced with potential ridicule, …show more content…

Marcus Thompson II, a lead columnist at The Athletic, composed an article addressing this unexpected event. In his article, Thompson questioned Bile’s decision to announce her withdrawal from these events due to her mental state rather than a simpler excuse, such as an illness. He stated, “Sports’ culture dictates that Biles was supposed to power through the doubt, face the anxiety and deliver us a moment for which we can endow her with that special honor we bequeath to the courageous. But what Biles did was look right in the face of a foe we all know well and don’t like to acknowledge. Reality.” This statement highlights the current culture within sports where athletes are expected to confront challenges and push themselves to their limits time and time again. Thompson acknowledges this expectation and uses the term “courageous” to describe what Biles would have been if she had chosen to continue with her …show more content…

Some athletes may have been inspired by Biles’ actions and as a result chosen to prioritize their mental health as well. Therefore, while Biles’ courageous act was seen by most as harmful to her team and in no way courageous, it undoubtedly did require courage on Biles’ behalf to withdraw from her events. Although it did not benefit her team, it did benefit herself and other athletes struggling with mental

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