Simon Lord Of The Flies Similarities And Differences Essay

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The Importance Of Differences Today’s society forces people to think, act, and dress a certain way, but there is always someone out there that doesn’t follow what the majority of the people are doing in the society. A friend once told me to never let someone change your thoughts or opinions on something you truly believe in. There are misfits all over the world hoping they’ll fit in and express their own thoughts without someone judging them. Think about the people you interact with daily, for example, your classmates, co-workers, or just people in general. Isn’t there always one person that seems a little out of place? Well, I know a misfit from a specific book. In the fictional novel, Lord Of The Flies by Golding, Simon doesn’t fit in with the others because of his actions, his weird thoughts, and his personality, but those things contributed a lot to the civilization by symbolizing Golding’s moral of the book. Unlike the other boys on the island, Simon’s actions shows that he is reserved and selfless. Simon loves to be alone and to do that, he likes to go into the forest once in a while even in the dark; just to think by himself. “Simon pushed his way to …show more content…

Without Simon, the littluns would’ve been bullied even more by Jack and the other boys. He shows his kindness by helping others and not hurting living things. When Simon died, it was one of the many symbols of the civilization collapsing. The boys have become savages, thinking that the “beast” was Simon running towards them. If they let Simon explain, the outcome would’ve been completely different! The author expresses the theme of the novel through Simon’s character. He wanted to reveal to the audience how impulsive humans can be towards savagery once laws are gone. He compared the impulsive characters to the more calm and kind-hearted characters like Simon. ‘“What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or

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