Simon As A Christ-Like Figure In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Initially, Simon was more of a Christ figure than what appears in the final cut of the book. Golding pristinely had designed Simon to be an ethereal character but their editor thought that Simon was too cumbersomely hefty of a character for the book. The Final cut for Simon's character is more watered down than what Golding pristinely wanted Simon to be but Golding's editor Monteith found this version of Simon to be less problematic. A reason that this intriguing fact was culled was that of Simon being a Christ-like figure in the book Lord of the Flies. In the upcoming paragraphs, we shall go over two Christ-like figures. One of these characters emanating from William Golding's book Lord of the flies. Whereas the other character emanates from …show more content…

Like Christ, Santiago understands the puissance of faith. One clear comparison between Santiago and Christ is whenever Santiago mentions the cutting off of his hand.“If he cramps again let the line cut him off” Santiago is frustrated with his hand because it is no use to him, and he would rather it is cut off than it is dead weight to him. This is directly parallel to Jesus’ verbalization of “If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is remunerative lucrative for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”. Those are some ways that Santiago directly parallels to Christ. To restate the points made in this essay Santiago and Simon are both different Christ-like figures in their different aspects. Simon is a Christ-like figure in the aspect that he can cogitate and prophesize the

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