Similarities Between Truman Show And Animal Farm

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Truman show, directed by Peter Weir and Animal Farm, written by George Orwell are to different text about two separate events but they explore very similar themes. Three of the themes that Peter Weir and George Orwell explore are the themes: good life and what is believed to be the ideal life, utopia and what is a perfect society and power and how's it's justified. This essay will compare and contrast theses themes and will show how the texts treats theses themes.

The good life is almost impossible to find and many people have different views on it. Peter Weir shows us through Truman that all we want in the good life is freedom and having a choice to follow our dreams. Peter Weir also suggest that in the good life we want to know the truth. Peter Weir shows Truman choosing whether to be free and know the truth about life and what is in the outside world or to stay in the dome with guaranteed safety but not knowing the truth. Whereas in Animal Farm, George Orwell represents the good life as having power and being happy. George Orwell uses the animals to show how much better life is when you are in control …show more content…

Weir shows that to Have a perfect society everyone should help each other in playing their part. Weir shows this as Christoff talks to truman's best friend and tells him what to say when truman is questioning the existence of his world. On the other hand George Orwell shows the perfect world as everyone and everything is equal and everyone has their part to play in the society. George Orwell shows the animals doing their part to keep their society working well. Orwell shows boxer pulling the plow and the rocks and doing his part to keep the world running. The two text represent utopia differently, Peter Weir shows that everyone helping each other out will keep the world spinning where as George Orwell shows when everyone does their part the society runs

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