Similarities Between Trifles And A Jury Of Her Peers

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Susan Glaspell wrote the play Trifles and “A Jury of Her Peers”, both of them are intriguing murder mysteries. They are set in a time when women were looked down upon and weren’t seen as highly as men, they were seen as housewives and nothing more. Trifles and “A Jury of Her Peers” by Glaspell have essentially the same story, yet differ on the points of view. The similarities that Trifles and “A Jury of Her Peers” both have is that they have the same story with all the same characters. Both of them feature that Mr. Wright was strangled by a rope, with the leading suspect as his wife Mrs. Wright. They even share the events that are described in the story. “As he asked it he took out a note-book and pencil”(AJHP 1). “[The county attorney who had his notebook out, made a note]”(Trifles 711). Both of these depict that the same thing had happened around the same time. They has the same characters do the same thing. Glaspell wanted there to be a direct connection to the two different pieces …show more content…

Trifles is third person objective, while “A Jury of Her Peers” is third person limited. Third person objective doesn’t show the feelings and/or thoughts of the characters, whilst third person person limited shows a bit more of the thoughts and/or feelings of one of the characters. “It came to Mrs. Hale’s mind that that rocker didn’t look in the least like Minnie Foster- the Minnie Foster of twenty years before”(AJHP 2). This shows how over the years Mrs. Wright was suppressed and had become a whole different person than the tow had remembered her. The quote has shown how Mrs. Hale had reminisced on how Mrs. Wright used to be. She had memories of her singing in the town choir, yet Mrs. Hale hadn’t seen her since she married Mr. Wright. Trifles didn’t show this side, it showed the obvious things the characters were saying, rather than the feelings of the

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