Similarities Between Tom Robinson Trial And To Kill A Mockingbird

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On March 25th 1931 nine young black man hopped onto a freight train to search for jobs. A fight broke out between the blacks and whites. Trying to avoid arrest two white women falsely accused the nine black men of raping them. What do the Scottsboro boys have to do with To Kill a Mockingbird? Tom Robinson and the scottsboro boys are parallels to each other. Harper Lee used one of america's most humiliating trials as inspiration to write her best-selling novel. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee creates the character Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson was falsely accused of rape just like the nine scottsboro boys.
Both Tom and the Scottsboro boys were African Americans, so they had to deal with a lot of racism throughout their lives. If a black man stepped out of line just once then they would be punished way more than a white man would be. Mayella did something socially unacceptable in the 1930s, she kissed a black man. Enraged by what he saw, Bob Ewell beat up Mayella as a punishment. So it didn't look like Bob beat up his own daughter he …show more content…

Alabama was a very controversial state when it comes to race. “There's something in our world that makes men lose their heads- they couldn't be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's the white man always wins. They're ugly but those are the facts of life”(295). Atticus is saying that black men have no power so a white man could easily take advantage of him. “You’ll see white men cheat everyday of your life”(295). The racism towards black people was so bad in alabama that atticus had to explain to scout that he would see a black man struggle everyday. Black people would have a hard time finding a job and once they found a job they normally got paid low wages and be treated differently or unfairly compared to the white men. The scottsboro boys went on the train in the first place to try to find a

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