Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And Today

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The American dream is the belief that people in the United States can reach a success life through hard work, perseverance, and determination. Jay Gatsby’s quest for the American dream reflects the experience of real Americans today because he is the perfect example of the term “rags to riches”. However, Jay Gatsby’s American dream is different from real Americans today because he did not care about his mansion, his cars, or the money. Jay Gatsby only cared about Daisy and wanted to be with her but he knew that she would never marry anyone who was poor.
Jay Gatsby had one goal in life and that was to be with Daisy. When Daisy and Gatsby met, they fell in love with one another even when they both knew that Daisy came from a wealthy family while Gatsby, on the other hand, was not so fortunate. When it would come down to marriage, Gatsby knew that he would never have the opportunity to marry Daisy unless he was well provided for. After Daisy chose money over love and after Daisy and Gatsby split and went off with their own lives, Gatsby came upon a stupendous amount of money. In chapter four Jordan claims “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (pg. 78).”, meaning he wanted to be close to Daisy and possibly have the chance to impress her …show more content…

The American dream is when someone from the lower class rises to the top by working hard, not by committing crimes. Jay Gatsby was a bootlegger, which is someone who smuggled alcohol which was not allowed because making, selling, and buying alcohol was illegal during the 1920’s. In Chapter seven Tom says, “He and this Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter…(pg 133).”, this is when we find out Gatsby became wealthy by selling alcohol illegally. He did this to become rich and to win Daisy with his

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