Similarities Between The Giver And The Truman Show

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Have you ever felt controlled? Like, you felt like you didn’t have any choices to do anything that you wanted. Well, if you do feel that way, then you might be living in a controlled environment, without even knowing it. In The Truman Show and The Giver, Jonas from The Giver and Truman from The Truman Show both lived in a controlled environment. Between these two communities, there were many similarities and differences. I will be comparing and contrasting The Giver and The Truman Show.
There were many symbols in both the The Giver and The Truman Show. Also, they both had some of the same symbols too. Here are just few. Here are some symbols that were in The Giver. There was the apple which represented knowledge. The sled which represented freedom. Lastly, there was Christmas which represented family. In The Truman Show there was the ocean which represented death. The dog which represented fear. Lastly there was Truman which represented true man. The one symbol that I saw that they both had in common was the girl that was wearing red, and red was the color of the apple, and apple represents knowledge, and the girl knew a lot of knowledge about what was going on. …show more content…

They both also had some that were in common. Here are just a few. Here’s some that were in The Giver. There was Gabriel which represents the angel Gabriel. There was the apple which represents Adam and Eve. Lastly there was Jonas who represents Jesus Christ. Now, here are some that are in The Truman Show. The creator represents God/The Lord. The storm which was like the storm Jesus was in. Lastly, There was the walking on water which represents Jesus walking water. They both had a Godly like figure in them. In The Giver, there was well, The Giver. In The Truman Show there was the

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