Similarities Between Napoleon And Snowball In Animal Farm

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In the novel “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, Napoleon and Snowball are both leaders of the farm, but the way they treat the other animals, their view of animalism and what they want for the windmill is different.

Napoleon and Snowball’s treatment towards the other animals on the farm are very different. Napoleon always put himself and what he wanted first when running the farm. He didn’t care about the needs of the animals. For example; he would starve the other animals on the farm, but make them work very hard. Napoleon wanted as much extra food so he could sell it. The pigs also had more than enough food and barely did any work(find quote). Snowball always put the farm and the needs of all the animals first. He dedicated a lot of time to designing the windmill so the work that the animals had to do would become easier for them. (quote) …show more content…

Napoleon didn’t actually want equality between the animals, he just wanted power. We see this multiple times throughout the novel when the pigs separate themselves from the other animals and sleep in the farmhouse, wear clothes, drink alcohol, etc. Napoleon also does less work than the other animals, but eats a lot more. This shows that he does not actually believe in animalism because it’s breaking the seven commandments which is based off of Old Major’s idea of how the farm should be run. Snowball truly believe in Old Major’s ideas about how a farm should be run. He wrote the seven commandments to make sure that the animals never forgot what animalism really was.

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