Similarities Between My Antonia And The Great Gatsby

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From West to East and Back Again: The Implications of Movement in My Antonia & The Great Gatsby As Jim Burden in My Antonia craves and thinks back on his presence in the Midwest, he displays the idea that movement from places and settings exemplify reactions to aspects of the world characters live in, just as Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby rejects the lifestyle of his East Coast counterparts and desires a life only the Midwest can give him. Movement from west to east and back again, allows both Jim and Nick to think back on what matters most to them and the lifestyles they prefer. Both Cather and Fitzgerald show the reactions Midwesterners invoke as they try to assimilate to life on the East Coast that leads to dissatisfaction and eventual …show more content…

As a way of bettering themselves, they leave behind the only life they knew. Jim goes to law school at Harvard and Nick studies at New Haven in Connecticut. On their return from the east back to the Midwest both come to the realization that everything is different. Nick, on one of his first return trip home, felt that “instead of being the warm center of the world, the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universe” (Fitzgerald 3). Nick was excluded from a life he had previously felt comfortable in. Instead of trying to re-adjust to his old life, Nick makes his way back east to try and reestablish himself somewhere else. Similarly, when Jim returns home from Harvard he is disappointed in his hometown. When he first arrived he was able to reminisce about his past, but he was soon able to see that everything was different, as “most of my old friends were dead or moved away. Strange children, who meant nothing to me, were playing […] I hurried on” (Cather 237). Movement from the Midwest to the east coast has caused both Nick and Jim to shun their places of origin. They do not completely fit in anymore or feel like they still …show more content…

Neither were capable of fully assimilating to that chaos life on the east coast offered. After the death of Gatsby, Nick packs up and moves out of New York. The East became “haunted for me like that, distorted beyond my eyes’ power of correction” (176). The power the East held over Nick, died with Gatsby in the pool. He was no longer capable of keeping up with the charade of his new life. Nick understand his failure, “conduct maybe be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes, but after a certain point” (Fitzgerald 2) it really does not matter anymore, he does not care anymore. There is nothing left for Nick in New York, not even Jordan Baker, a potential

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