Similarities Between Midnight In Paris And The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel written by F Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. It is a love story about Jay Gatsby who is has stopped his entire life for Daisy Buchanan to notice him again even after she has moved on. In the 2011 Woody Allen movie, Midnight in Paris, Gil takes a midnight stroll through Paris every night and time travels back to the 1920’s. Both of the pieces of work have similar themes of repeating the past, marriage and dissatisfaction. Everyone seems to be chasing the past and not trying to enjoy the present. In Gatsby, Jay Gatsby believes that Daisy definitely would go running back to him after all of those years. He doesn’t realize that people change and that he is in love with the vision of Daisy he kept from years ago. When Nick told him that he couldn’t repeat the past Gatsby replied shockingly with “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!” Just like Gil, he tried explaining to Adriana that she can’t stay in the past but she must go back to the 20’s. Adriana is girl that he met while visiting his version of the golden age. She dreamt of living in the 1890’s and she visited the 90’s with him. That’s when she decided to stay in them just like Gatsby who never left. Gil …show more content…

Gil was writing a book about a nostalgia shop owner and his fiancée has an affair and he realized that he had based her off of his fiancée Inez. Inez ended up admitting to cheating on him. Inez is a materialistic girl just like Daisy. Daisy did not wait for Gatsby because Tom was rich and proposed to her. Yet Daisy had an affair with Gatsby and Tom was having plenty of affairs. The difference is that Daisy never left Tom even through all of the cheating and Gil left Inez because of the affair. In Midnight in Paris, F Scotts Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda appeared in the movie and it’s ironic because Fitzgerald based Daisy off of his wife Zelda like Gil based the shop owner’s fiancée off of

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