Similarities Between Max And Freak

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Max and Freak are both very diverse from “normal” students at school, they both act, think, and learn differently than others. There are many reasons why people would chose to be one of there friends, bully them, or just ignore them. If I were a student in their eighth grade class, I would have two, very, diverse first impressions on both of them. When, Max walks into the classroom I would be startled, because he is so big and is a spitting image of his father. However, once I got to meet him, I would be friends with Max, but I probably would not be “great” friends with him, because we have very few things in common. Even though I would not be the best of friends with him I would not recite “Killer Kane, Killer Kane, who got a kid, who has …show more content…

Also, I would most likely not be friends with him, because we would not get along very well. For, the way that he speaks sometimes, can be startling and he may use words that you do not know the definitions to. Also, I would think it is amazing, about how smart he is. Another, reason why I would not be friends with Freak is, because, I find it a little strange when he hops onto Max’s shoulders in the middle of class, “Next thing I know, Freak has his hands on my shoulders and he’s tugging at me in a way that I know means “stand up,” and so I do it, I stand right up in class and I can see Mrs. Donelli’s eyes getting bigger and bigger.” Lastly, my first impression on “Freak the Mighty”, I would find it odd that Freak rides high on Max’s shoulders, but it would also be nice to see Max doing this for Freak. However, I probably would stay away from them because, in some way I don’t “fit in” with them. The two of them love make believe, and have really big guts to face Tony D., and later on Killer Kane, himself. There are many reasons and opinions why and why not you would decide to be friends with both Kevin and

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