Similarities Between England And America

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The United States of America and England share many similar traits inside their society as well as their culture. Considering that both are first world countries and both share english as the official language. Despite these already known facts, what most people don’t know is that within their society and culture they’re very different. England and America, both powerful countries with similar ways of functioning their societies, are very diverse within their culture and social customs. America and England have many similar traits within their culture and society such as their religion, urban, and values. For example, Religion in america is mostly dominated by Christianity, which is the spiritual worship of Christ and the bible. This is also the common religion that most of England worship and both develop the bible’s rules and fabricate them into their personal values and social norms which proves that America and England relate. Another example, both of the countries values are similar in which they are fabricated from the bible. Most families value …show more content…

they would have a long way to go. For starters, England would be a lot more racist, sexist, and homophobic. While those issues are found almost everywhere, America has it bad because of their freedom of speech amendment. Which leads me to my next point, everyone in England would have to complain about something everyday. In america, many of it’s citizen live off complaining about someone else's existence on whether or not they have the same religion, or political belief, or opinions. Also England’s citizens have to become diehard nationalist. In the sense the American citizen would die for this country despite the social issues we face everyday. Since England, for te most part is already most of these things, the country wouldn’t have a lot to give up. Except maybe dropping the letter ‘U’ in color and

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