Similarities Between Clinton And Obama

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Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have many similarities. Both of their first terms as President were shockingly alike such as, job approval rating difference being only point five percent and the interest in reforming available healthcare to people of lower class. Both President Clinton and President Obama were referred to as black presidents, only because they didn’t uphold the same backgrounds as did the former presidents. Neither Obama nor Clinton had a personal relationship with his father, which meant both grew up in a single parent working household – a reality rare in the time period. Both young Obama and young Clinton grew up aspiring to be great lawyers; they married lawyers Michelle and Hillary, respectively. Clinton, as well as Obama, belong to the Democratic Party. However, despite the many similarities between the two, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama could not be any more different. Former President Bill Clinton proves superior to the current President Barack Obama because of the beneficial strategies he used to improve the United States of America. …show more content…

In 1993, he signed the Family and Medical Leave Act into law with gives Americans the option to be absent from their jobs for up to twelve weeks of unpaid, job secure leave of absence for child birth, adoption, family or personal illness. The act allows over forty-two billion Americans to have a peaceful mind that they’ll have a job should they need to take a leave of absence. He signed an Executive order to place a strict policy on federal employees who owe child support as well as ordered the Legislative branch to place strict policies on deadbeat parents who refuse to pay child

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