Similarities Between Anarrchism And Liberalism

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Anarchism and liberalism are two ideologies which have developed into different strands over time. The diverse views within anarchism and liberalism allow similarities between the two to be found, however, anarchism as a whole is distinct from liberalism when comparing beliefs of human nature and political authority. Anarchists and liberals find some common ground when identifying individuality as an integral part of human nature, although social anarchism diverges by arguing that humans have a greater instinct for social cooperation. Moreover, anarchists and liberals also share similarities in their dislike of a great state role and its institutional apparatus because it limits freedom, however, anarchism argues for the complete removal of …show more content…

However, social anarchists exemplify that humans are first and foremost sociable beings and so these anarchists are against the individual presiding over society. Individualist anarchists take a stronger stance on the “sovereignty of the individual” with Stirner heavily emphasising that humans are naturally egoistic, should be completely unsuppressed to pursue their own will and would co-operate only on self-interest1. Likewise, classical liberals also outline the worth of the individual with Mill opposing “the tyranny of the majority”, what he believed was the marginalisation of those who did not agree with the popular opinion of society whilst the majority views were endorsed by “public authorities”2. Stirner and Mill represent the views of many individualist anarchists and classical liberals by suggesting contempt for the notion of community and society which they believe suppressed the individual 's egotistical nature, instead desiring that each individual be separately recognised rather than being merged into a group. Both anarchism and liberalism suggest that individuals are rational and are capable of forming personal opinions but collective activity, particularly societal and governmental ensures that individual voices are ignored as they focus on collective interests rather than individual

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