Similarities And Differences Between Montag And John

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One of the hardest things to do in life, is letting go of what you thought was real. “Farenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury and “By the Waters of Babylon” by Stephen Benet are both about the journey of two men, Montag and John. In their journey they go against the society and give up everything to find the truth. Despite having some minor differences, the similarities between Montag and John are remarkable. They both are in search of knowledge, run away from society, however Montag receives help throughout his journey and John is completely alone. The journey that Montag and John both take gives them a new purpose for life, “I’m not thinking. I’m just doing like I’m told, like always. You said get the money and I got it. I didn’t really think of
Montag receives constant help and support from character such as Clarisse and Faber. Clarisse is the first character to open Montag's eyes to the truth, but only when she disappeared did Montag take action against the society standing between him and knowledge. Faber also helped Montag with a device called the Green Bullet “It listens! If you put it in your ear, Montag, I can sit comfortably home, warminig my frightened bones, and hear and analyze the fireman’s worlds”(90) this two way telecommunication devices helps Montag throughout most of the story. When John was wondering around, he was completely alone and had to figure out his problems on his own. The only this that helped him out in the wild were “spiritual” signs like the Dead man and the statue of Lord Ashing. This shows that people can go about changing things in different ways and end up with similar
This is because John and Montag both are in search of knowledge and have to leave society in order to find this knowledge, those reasons far outweigh the fact that Montag receives help and John doesn't receive help. The authors, Ray Bradbury and Stephen Benet, created these stories to send a deeper message to people through Montag and John. Montag shows that if you want something you may need to give up a little in order to obtain said goal. This is visible when he began reading books instead of burning them, due to his actions he ended up sacrificing his house, wife, and ultimately his place in society. John teaches us that things may not be what they seem like, this is very true for John because all his life he was taught about the ‘Gods’ and the ‘Holy land’, but when he investigated it he found out that it was all a hoax to protect his

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