Silver Lining Playbook Ap Psychology

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Shaneeza Sudeen Psychology 347 Extra Credit Assignment Movie: Silver Lining Playbook The Silver Lining Playbook, written and directed by David O. Russell, is based on the best-selling novel by Matthew Quick. After spending 8-months in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano was taken out by his mother, against doctors advise and moves back in to live with his parents. He tries to reunite with his ex-wife, even though there is a restraining order keeping him from contacting her due to the incident where he caught her having sex with another man and abusively beat him up. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a depressed young woman who's mourning the death of her husband by engaging in sex with everyone she meets. Tiffany …show more content…

He was diagnosed as having a bipolar disorder. He started to see Dr. Patel in a one-on-one session. The therapist uses the theoretical approach of trying to trigger Pats emotions. As Pat enters the waiting room to check in for his appointment with a therapist, he hears the song from his wedding with his ex-wife playing in the office. The song immediately triggers his anger and he started throwing stuff and loses it looking for the speakers in the waiting area. His therapist comes out of his office as the other patients in the waiting room stare in astonishment. Pat then goes into the room with the therapist, who then began to explain that he purposely played that song to see if it was still a trigger to his anger. He explains to Pat that he needs to come up in a way to control that anger, and Pat tells him that his control strategy is “excelsior”, which means him finding a silver lining in every …show more content…

The therapist runs into him at the game and tells him that on that day, they aren't therapist and client, but "brothers." I think that by this the therapist did not hold up a therapeutic relationship with his client, and this can affect future sessions. In therapy, there is always a professional standard for the relationship and it can never be anything else but Therapy-client relation. If so this can create a conflict in the treatment and can cause limitations as to what is being said. Along with saying they were brothers, the therapist gets into a fight with another person in front of Pat. After telling Pat that he needs to find a way to be at peace with himself when feeling angry, this type of behavior contradicts

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