Siksitak Research Paper

716 Words2 Pages

The Niitsitapi (also called Blackfoot Indians), reside in the Great Plains of Montana as well as Alberta and Saskatchewan located in Canada. Only one of the Niitsitapi tribes are named Siksika, also known as Blackfoot.
The Siksika were from First Nations. They lived in the western plains in Canada. The language the Siksika spoke was an Algonquian language similar to Woodland Cree, but their traditional ways were different in several ways. Their culture was about following the herds of buffalo that were migrating on the plains. They were buffalo hunters as well as skilled buffalo hunters. T The Siksika needed homes and possessions that were light enough to move from one place to another because they travelled long distances following the buffalo.
The Siksika lived in small family groups in river valleys that were sheltered or in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains during the winter. In the spring they moved out onto the prairie joined by other family groups.
The Siksika gathered in large groups for the buffalo hunt in the summer. To hunt large animals, they needed to co-operate. They chased buffalo over cliffs, or into an area surroun...

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... Hair: used as headbands, lariats, and belts.
Deer or buffalo hides were stretched over a frame of poles to make teepees. These wooden poles were from foothills, where there was a lot of lodge pole pines. When the Siksika moved to a new area, teepees were taken down. The poles and hides were taken with them. Some burdens were carried by a travois pulled by horses.
Clothing made of animal skins, usually deer or buffalo sewn with thread made from sinew were worn by Siksika. Warm robes and mittens were made from buffalo hides, which was worn in the winter.

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