Significance of memory for Paulina in Death and the Maiden.

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What is memory? Memory is the process of the brain by which it stores past experiences or information and then helps in recalling these experiences or information at a later time. There are three central processes of memory- encoding, storing and retrieval. Encoding is the registration of the information which is received by the brain. A record of this information is then kept in the brain by the process of storing. Finally, through the process of retrieval, this stored memory is then recalled by the brain and this is when an individual remembers something. In Ariel Dorfman’s 1990 play Death and the Maiden, memory serves to be the central theme based on which the rest of the play develops. The play is set right after the fall of General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte’s regime in Chile in March 11, 1990. During Pinochet’s regime, Chile experienced the worst of horrors at the hands of men in power. The citizens didn’t have any rights and public beatings and forced sexual encounters were rampant. One of the victims of these sexual encounters was Paulina Escobar who was raped repeatedly by Doctor Roberto Miranda while she was in his captivity. What made these sexual encounters more appalling was the fact that he always blindfolded her when he sexually violated Paulina. He would also play the composition ‘The Death and the Maiden’ by the renewed Austrian composer Franz Peter Schubert whenever he would force himself on her. The memory of being sexually exploited is something which has been permanently engrained in the mind of Paulina Escobar. And this memory serves as the foundation for the entire play, as the rest of the play is focusing on the effect of this memory on Paulina. Paulina seems to be suffering from long-term ment... ... middle of paper ... ...ially in the play we had seen how Paulina would use short sentences while Gerardo would be the one doing the talking; but ever since Paulina got the possession of the gun, her helplessness seems to have disappeared, as if she is using that gun and pointing it at Doctor Miranda in an attempt to get rid of her memory. Paulina uses this situation as if recreating it from her own memory, but changing the variables; she is changing herself into Doctor Miranda and Doctor Miranda takes the place of Paulina in this altered version of her memory. Now, instead of Doctor Miranda, Paulina is in power. And this is just because of her possession of the gun. Hence, we see how important a factor memory is in Death and the Maiden; most importantly for Paulina. The characteristics and the personality of an entire character as well as the plot of the play is based on just one memory.

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