Significance Of Writing: The Importance Of Writing

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Significance of Writing Growing up in a society that strictly enforces writing is very hard to bypass. Starting in elementary school and then middle and high school, writing never exits our daily schedules. Learning to establish a skill in writing became comparable to learning to ride a horse. In the fifth grade, a teacher once said,” Writing fosters our ability to explain and refine our ideas to others and ourselves.” This statement truly made a difference of the way writing was viewed. Writing helped gain knowledge of words that were unknown to my diction. Writing became significant in my life from the start of elementary school. From the day my teacher stated that “writing fosters our ability to explain and refine our ideas to others and ourselves”, it opened my mind and in various ways led me to understand text and the purpose of a text. Writing is definitely like riding a horse. You become familiar with the basic steps and you move on slowly throughout the process. You become better at familiarizing the appropriate usage of words and different types of sentences. Much like learning to ride a horse, it takes time and practice for one to get better. Writing cannot be mastered in one day or even years. I view writing as if it cannot be mastered at all. Perfection cannot be reached in …show more content…

Rehberg said, “Writing preserves our ideas and memories”. When I first thought about that statement, it led to me thinking about the memories that I’ve kept through writing. Every memory that I have is indeed preserved through my writing. Whether it’s from my recreation football games to reminiscing about the past, I’ve documented those events through writing. Furthermore, writing is significant in my life just because of the purpose. We write just because we have to and that’s what school teaches us. I write to become better at it and I believe that writing can help me understand my life and the lives of

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