Sigmund Freud Personality Theory

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Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856, in Austria (?). His family moved to Vienna in 1860, and that is where Freud spent, mostly, the remainder of his life (?). Freud is considered the father of Psychoanalysis, the first acknowledged personality theory (?). His theory suggest that a person’s personality is controlled by their unconscious which is established in their early childhood. The psychoanalytic theory is made up of three different elements interacting to make up the human personality: the id, the ego, and the superego (?). Freud stated the individuals were born with an id located in their unconscious. The main goal of the id follows the pleasure principle (?). The id looks to get whatever it wants no matter the outcome. In newborns, it is like …show more content…

Most female serial killers kill people they are emotional close to, like their children or husbands, and mostly for material gains. When they do kill these individuals, they use less physical and more low-profile means like poison. However, Aileen killed men she had just met for no reason, other then claiming that they had raped her. She also murdered them using a .22 caliber pistol, shooting them more than once, and then disposing of their bodies like a typical male serial killer. She was also involved in a homosexual relationship when these murders were committed. Taking this into account, Freud would argue that she suffered from his theory of penis envy (?). This theory states that girls, around the age of three and six, begin to develop a desire to have a penis and have a sense of inferiority and jealousy about not having one (?). This desire is usually repressed near the end of the phallic stage of Freud’s psychosexual stages of development. However, Freud would state that her penis envy and feelings of inferiority were never resolved and led to her committing these murders the way that she did and her involving herself in a homosexual

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