Siddhartha Journey

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In the book, Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, is about a man who wishes to leave his life of extravagance to find his true self. On his journey, Siddhartha leaves and joins and continues that pattern until he finds the perfect place for him to learn. He learned many elements for being in these castes about finding himself and life in general. On the way, he meets new teachers in all ages. To name some of them, credits go to the Samanas that he met along on his trip, the Buddha, the ferryman, Kamala, and Kamaswami. What is important is that what moment in the story did he grow as a learner. Siddhartha most grows as a learner when he meets the Ferryman, when he meets Kamala, and when he decided to live with the ferryman and meets Govinda at the end. After leaving the Buddha and Govinda, Siddhartha was just wandering around trying to figure out what to do. Then one day, he meets a ferryman at the shore of a river. He asks the ferryman for a ride across the river and the ferryman gives him a ride for free because he was a Samana and he had no money to pay the ferryman. Siddhartha tells the ferryman how the river was beautiful, and the ferryman said, “It is a very beautiful river. I love it above everything. I have often listened to it, gazed at it, and I have always learned something from it. One can learn much from a river” (49). That one is the ferryman himself and …show more content…

Siddhartha meets a teacher that is not a human being, also known as the river of the ferryman. He meets a woman for the first time and learns a lesson from her. When he reached enlightenment, his time to teach someone his lesson has arrived and his student was his friend, Govinda. Siddhartha received knowledge from many people and he had these teachings in his heart for an infinite

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