Shut Down Your Screen Week Persuasive Essay

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Imagine an entire week of class without any cell phones, computers, or any other devices that can cause as a distraction to students, or cause you to lose their attention. Wouldn’t that week just be great? Well this is now a realistic thought, now that “Shut Down Your Screen Week” has been proposed. After reading Social Media as Community, Is Google Making Us Stupid, and Attached to Technology and Paying a Price the decision is clear; we should participate in “Shut Down Your Screen Week”. Although devices, such cellular phones and computers, are time savers and make us more efficient at finding relevant information, a week without them is well in need. This is mainly because the internet and electronic devices can be addictive, cause attention problems, and stop students from learning. We need to come to a halt with our consistent use of digital technology in order to help our students. We should participate in “Shut Down Your Screen Week” because a constant use of computers can induce an addiction. In Attached to Technology and Paying a Price, it tells a story about a family, the Campbells, who went on a vacation hoping their family would unplug from all their …show more content…

Constant internet interaction can advance to issues with paying attention, focusing, and resisting impulses. Clifford Noss says, “We’ve got a large and growing group of people who think the slightest hint that something interesting might be going on is like catnip. They can’t ignore it.” This leads to people simply interrupting their daily tasks, just to check their phones, thus causing them to be distracted and not get their work finished. This is a major reason we should participate in “Shut Down Your Screen Week.” Having all of these distractions out of the classroom would mold classes to run much more conveniently and

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