Should We Stop Making Kids Memorize Times Tables

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Have you ever realized how much time is spent trying to memorize facts? Memorizing might not be as helpful as you think. It benefits the reader so much more if they take the time to actually learn. Memorizing information can be a waste of time. It helps to take the time to understand, memorizing can be harmful. Memorization is not helpful and can hurt students. “Too much emphasis on rote memorization” ("Should We Stop Making Kids Memorize times Tables?"). Jo Boaler is a professor at Stanford University. Her studies show that it is better to understand, not memorize. The students that are lower achieving are the ones that memorize numbers and are incapable of understanding the material ("Should We Stop Making Kids Memorize times Tables?"). Another one of Boaler’s quotes was “Drilling without understanding is harmful.” If someone focuses on memorization too much, it can be bad if they don’t understand it. …show more content…

Memorizing facts gets boring, and students won’t learn and understand. It is proven that students that have deeper learning generally have more success in school ("Deeper Learning: Moving Students Beyond Memorization"). Studies are showing that the lowest performing students across the world are the ones who think math is about memorizing information ("Should We Stop Making Kids Memorize times Tables?"). Memorizing can help you at times, but it benefits you the most if you understand. It helps to understand and not memorize important

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