Voter Identification: Ensuring Electoral Integrity

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Most would agree that voter identification should be required in order to cast a ballot. A valid ID can be obtained at any Department of Motor Vehicles for a minimal fee. This would minimize skepticisms during elections concerning the validity of voters. Voter fraud is on the rise and can certainly taint election outcomes. "Proponents of the law say not requiring a photo ID makes it easy for people to vote more than once or under names not their own, inviting fraud that compromises the integrity of elections" (Phelps). In today's time, the majority of individuals possess identification "to drive or buy alcohol" (Phelps).

Most would agree that in order to vote in an election one must be a citizen. Citizenship is open to any individual who wishes to go through the proper channels and processes. "The …show more content…

Requiring voters to present valid identification and requiring voters to be citizens "does not try to deprive individuals or minorities of their basic civil rights" (Jackson 2). Instead, it protects the citizens from corrupt or dishonest elections and promotes fairness. Also, by allowing candidates to use the media to gain voters, supports our freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is represented in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the document that ensures individuals' rights are protected. Voters are not forced to vote for a certain politician, they may vote for whomever represents views closest to their own, and the majority of votes wins. Lobbyists can speak for the interests of the people and assist in influencing lawmakers to pass bills that can benefit those outside the government as long as it is truly for the people and does not involve any corruption. All of these topics promote democracy as being beneficial for the people where freedoms and rights are protected by the government and individuals opinions can be voiced

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