Should Vaccines Be Required For Children Essay

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Should Any Vaccines be Required for Children? A vaccine is a substance that consists of a weakened organism that leads to immunity in the body against that organism. A vaccine can be administered in several ways, including needle injection and oral or nasal sprays. Vaccines work because the body is able to fight off the weakened pathogen easily, and knows how to defend itself against the same pathogen later, which leads to immunity. Though vaccines have many benefits, there is still a lot of controversy surrounding them. Many parents worry about their children having an allergic reaction, or potential side effects of vaccines. This issue is especially important because it has the potential to affect many lives. While we worry about the dangers of vaccines, it is also important to remember that not vaccinating can be dangerous, since vaccines are what are protecting you from potentially fatal diseases. …show more content…

By immunizing children, they are protected against deadly diseases. Many devastating diseases have been nearly eradicated through vaccines, including polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and the chicken pox. Without these vaccines, these diseases would still be a major concern. One example is polio, which affected the nervous system, leaving many people paralyzed, or unable to breathe without the use of a machine. Parents were terrified that their children would contract the disease and die, or become paralyzed. With the polio vaccine, parents do not have to worry about this any longer. Many studies and reports have proven that children’s lives are saved every day through vaccines. Bahar Gholipour writes, “More than 732,000 children’s lives have been saved in the past 20 years due to routine vaccinations, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, 322 million cases of kids getting sick were prevented, according to the

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