Should Transgender People Be Allowed To Use The Restroom

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In 2015, a question of whether or not transgender individuals should be allowed to use the restroom of their choosing or that of the sex they identify with came to light. Many states began to present bills to mandate this. It was the result of many conservative claims that a transgender individual should have to use the restroom appropriately determined by their biological gender at birth, or the gender that is presented on their birth certificate. The conservatives argued that allowing transgender individuals to use the restroom in which they identified with would be putting people in danger of sexual assault and harassment by sexual predators and it would allow peeping toms to lurk on innocent women and children. Many believe that it would also allow an opportunity for pedophiles to prey on children. The other side of the argument is that it would be more dangerous for transgender individuals to use the restroom of the gender they are born because it would lead to verbal harassment and/or physical assault. The conservative side of the argument has not shown much evidence in …show more content…

They also face discrimination in employment, health care, and emotion/physical abuse from the public. One such claim is from the National Coalition of Anti-violence Problems (NCAVP), stating that the transgender community faces disproportionate levels of abuse and violence, including such from police. Some statistical evidence will show that most victims of hate violence homicides are transgender women (72% according to NCAVP). Transgender women also are more likely to experience sexual violence and are more likely to experience threats, harassment, and intimidation from law enforcement. Also, Transgender individuals of color are likely to experience more police violence compared to cisgender

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