Should Students Rethink At School

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Every day, thousands of students get suspended and it seems to be working and doing a pretty decent job. There are bunches kids that don't want to be suspended and parents that don't want their kid suspended.There are other ways to help students correct his/hers behavior that we just don’t try. Lots of which that might work better and faster.In some cases, students might need to be taken out of their work environment to rethink, although more counseling and face to face contact could have a huge improvement on how kids function at school leading to less trouble and fights.

First, students should always have someone to go to and for some students that might not be an option and being a counselor there for them could change their life around. If we keep suspending them over and over it will increase their chances of dropping out and a start to a different path and wrong one. Yes it seems like every student that does something bad need to be isolated, but it's time to rethink the old and maybe start a new system. Schools that have tried this new system have had their test scores go up and it has shown. …show more content…

Making them apologize to the teachers they disturbed or students can maybe open up their mind and see what they have caused them to feel making them wish to be a better person in the future. Students would rather sit at home so why not just try to better the school and put in more work and time with the students and try to better their education so they can have a good job when they become an

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