Should Students Be Allowed To Carry Guns In Colleges Essay

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Carrying Guns on Colleges and universities is becoming a controversial question since the shortage of Virginia Tech University. Some authors believe it is indispensable to permit students and other colleges and universities workers to carry guns in the campus property. While others think it is inappropriate. In the article Students Should Have the Right to Carry Guns on College Campuses, David Burnett assumes it is necessary to allow guns on colleges and university because “Gun-free zones are not necessarily safe zones.” (Burnett) So prohibit gun on campus benefit to criminal and not to people who do not carry a gun. In addition, the rules which forbid gun on campus limit the capacity of people without gun to protect themselves against criminals. Consequently “Gun-free zones only serve to protect killers by ensuring they will face no resistance.” (Burnett) Finally, allowing to carry guns on colleges and universities property will reduce the rate of …show more content…

Three principal reasons motivate his opinion. First, guns on the campuses do not reduce the risk of violence and crimes. “There is no credible statistical evidence demonstrating that laws allowing the carrying of concealed firearms reduce crime.”(Dickerson) In addition, in most of the cases, guns are not used in the self-defenses purpose, but for aggression. For instance, from “30,694 Americans who died by gunfire in 2005, only 147 were killed by firearms in justifiable homicides by private citizens.”(Dickerson) Finally, carrying guns in colleges and universities produces fear and stresses among students and teachers. Since there are divergences of opinions among teachers and students toward different subject, “Adding a weapon ... into the mix can quickly turn a constructive meeting into one filled with fear and

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