Year-Round Schooling: Benefits and Considerations

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Summer Slide, Slides Away There are many different views on the topic of whether or not schools should go to a year-round calendar or not. If you have not heard about year-round schooling, the plan is to have students go to school for a certain length of time and then have a couple of weeks off of school. Some of the plans that schools can choose from are the 45-15 plan, the 60-20 plan, or the 90- 30 plan [Schools]. This means that for every 45 days of school that students attend they get 15 days off, 60 days of school they get 20 days off, and with every 90 days of school students get 30 days off. There are many benefits when changing schools into year-round schedules. Some of these benefits are that students will not forget information that they have learned in their previous year of school, they are on shorter breaks, and students won’t be as stressed when going through school. Thus, I believe that we should change schools over to a year-round calendar. Even though there are several ideas why year-round schooling is bad, like there will be no time for families to go on long family vacation and there will be no summer camps that can help kids more active, I believe it is
Yes, this allows for the not forgetting of what was learned before, but that isn’t the only reason. Some reasons that shorter breaks in school could be beneficial is because it is nice for students who don’t have the chance to go anywhere during the summer to not be at home for one long period of time. Students like this can get bored quickly and this will help them. Having shorter breaks also helps protect them. Parents may have trouble getting a babysitter for young children who would be left at home alone where they have to do things for themselves like cooking lunch. This could get very dangerous and children could stay out of harm by not being at home alone for long periods of

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