Should Romeo And Juliet Be Taught In Schools

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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy and love story at the same time. But the question keeps popping up; should it be taught in schools? I think this story has a lot of potential to teach students different pieces of literature. It's a book and play that displays the love of two people who are forbidden to ever have feelings for eachother just because of a family feud that has been occurring for a while. I think people could learn many things just from reading the book. The way they portray the characters is really exceptional because they give a clear representation of who everyone is and how they play an important role in the story. This piece is very complex and takes a lot of understanding if the reader wants to know what's going on because of the language used. The story has a lot of vocabulary in it that that is essential for the youth to know. Although the story portrays violence and suicidal actions, I think it shows children what not do. There are multiple benefits that overweigh the disadvantages of not reading this book. The language …show more content…

The movie portrays fighting, love, and death scenes. Although people may think that teens or growing youth should not be exposed to these types of movies, I think it shows kids examples of how their life would turn out to if they followed some of these things. Obviously the ending result of the story is unfortunate because the two main characters die, but I think that people could learn from the characters mistakes. For example, in the movie, Romeo didn't receive the letter Friar Lawrence made for him stating that Juliet wasn't actually dead so he had no clue of the plan. When Romeo found out that she had committed suicide, he bought poison right away and drank it by Juliet's side. This plan did not have a happy ending. It teaches people what may happen if you get caught up or distracted in the wrong

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