Should Military Recruiters Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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Military recruiters have the right to come to classes to recruit students that perhaps don't know what they want to do or get enticed with the “benefits” that come along if they join the Military or any other branch. It's what they need to do, they need to recruit people/ students so they can get paid or possible not fired. The Military isn't bad coming once and awhile but, when they start to constantly bother you., then its gets quite problematic. Some students just get tired of them going on and on why they should join. However, isn't all that bad since many students will be interested joining. Letting the Military recruiters is by no means very good to let them in schools. It's a subject that many people debate concerning whether they should or shouldn't let school bring in Military recruiters. In reality, joining …show more content…

On the other hand, people like me for example are getting :brain washed”, in my experience, I was going to fall into the hand of doing since they gave many so called “benefits” examples. One prime example by the article “Do Military Recruiters Belong in Schools?” written by Seth Kershner & Scott Harding stated that “Section 9528 of the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act requires that public high schools give the military as much access to campuses and student contact information as is given to any other recruiter.”, that is why Schools are allowing them to be in Campuses. The Military Recruiters are basically allowed in without getting denied. however , Kershner and Harding also stated that, “In some cases, recruiters are such a regular presence in high schools that students and staff regard them as school employees”. This is also why some Schools are letting Military Recruiters since they are so used to them coming in that they are seen as employees of the school they are in. Furthermore, Military recruiters aren't just racking up 2 or 3 per years, they are recruiting more than expected. According to the article “

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