Should Kids Be Allowed To Play Competitive Sports

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Whether kids should be allowed to play competitive sports is a complicated debate because there are just so many reasons that could be argued for either side. Because of that, this argue is commonly misguided. The question that we should actually be asking is whether competitive sports put too much pressure on kids. This is important because there are things that can be argued about this from both sides. Some people will say that the pressures put on kids from competitive sports is good, and will motivate them, but others believe that it is bad because it can be found in so many places like from parents or coaches, from general stress, and from the pressure to perform. I believe that it is clear overall competitive sports put way too much pressure …show more content…

With more and more kids joining competitive sports, kids not only have to beat everyone else out at tryouts to make the team, but that have to be on their best game every time they play so that they can stand out to the coach and, once they get older, to schools and colleges. There is becoming less of a place for kids who maybe aren’t as good at the sport, and are just looking for a good time, and only places for the kids who are really good at the game. It is best said by Mark Hyman, professor of sports management, “The system is now designed to meet the needs of the most talented kids. We no longer value participation. We value excellence.” (David Sortino, 2012). So with kids being pushed too hard, losing or playing badly can be a hard blow to some kids. “Kids who play sports and surround themselves in them can feel like sports are who they are, and when they fail they can feel like they are a nobody,” (Paul Stricker, author, 2006). Kids “failing” make their self esteem go down, and many people, including myself, believe that competitive sports put them in these types of situations much too early, at points where most kids can’t even handle it yet. And when kids aren’t ready, it make take serious tolls on them, “When people lose a lot they can become depressed, stressed, and anxious.” (Baldwin Ellis, long time fitness and mental health writer, 2015). So although competitive sports may help kids learn to deal with losing, like some people argue, it can take a huge toll on kids mentally, and there is definitely not going to be a benefit from that level of competition at such young ages if they can’t even deal with that

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