Should Immigrants Be Allowed To Preserve Their Cultural Identity?

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Last year data showed that 42.4 million people were foreign born in the United States, or in other words 13 percent of the nation’s population (Don,1) That is one million more people that came to the land of opportunities since 2013. One million people saw chance of new slate in the country that advertises that. They saw country that accepted different cultures and created communities around them. Where they could celebrate their ancestors and past without judgement, and without the need to change.
However, once they arrive that is exactly what we ask them to give up. To assimilate to adopt our culture and our past leaving theirs behind. This poses the question should immigrants be forced to assimilate into their new country? Assimilation takes away from America’s diverse society, creates racial issues, and is not necessary to be successful. Immigrants should be allowed to preserve their cultural identities.
America the land of free. A land full of promise. A land of opportunities. A land built on immigration. The United States of America is the leading nation in mass immigration. (Malik 1) America is filled with a wide range of different ethnic groups ranging from Austrian to Middle Eastern to Grecian. Each group adds to America day to day life. Many of them contribute to what Americans eat, and what Americans wear. Foods like Pita Bread from …show more content…

Would they have to adopt societies ways, and have complete immersion in the English language to be successful in America. One misconception is that immigrants won’t be able to successful if they don’t speak English. The population of children entering U.S. schools unable speak English grew by 40 percent. (Gracia,1) The achievement gap between ELL’s(English Language Learners) and their English peers is 50 percent.(Gracia,1)Two examples of success without English would have to be Mr. Zhang and Mr.

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