Should Football Be Outlawed

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Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and concussions have been a hot topic in all levels of football recently. Many people fear the effects of TBI’s and believe that football should be outlawed. The purpose of this research project is to discover if the sport of football needs to evolve in order to recognize the significance of TBI’s. Not only will this project focus on the negative effects of football, but the positives as well. In addition, various topics of football will be analyzed. The Madison Varsity football team (approximately 45 players) will be surveyed. Two or three Madison football coaches and the school trainer will also be contacted for an interview as well. The first step of this project, upon consent from Mr. Smith, will be to survey the Madison Varsity football team. This poll will provide first-hand experience from players, ages 14-18. Questions will consist of various topics regarding, the relevance of TBI’s, symptoms, type of helmets, benefits, and other opinionated based questions. Answers will provide a deep understanding of how TBI’s have affected players and what they know about the topic personally. Results will then be …show more content…

Interviews will be conducted via email or in person, based on availability. Coaches will be contacted because they are in control of the players and I want to see how much they know about TBI’s. Also, only coaches who have played football will be interviewed. A coach who has never played football before, will not truly understand the fear of head injuries in football and how they have affected players over the years. The interviews will involve questions that ask about opinions on the football committee and how they have handled the concussion problem. Their knowledge of rules, equipment, and types of plays will also be analyzed from the interviews. When finished, answers will be placed into a separate spreadsheet from before and then

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