Should Female Athletes Be Able To Have As Tough As Boys Essay

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I belive that female athletes should not be able to play with boys. Females are not as tough as boys, and they’ll end up getting hurt. Females don’t like to get as dirty as boys do. Females are not as strong as boys. In my opinion that just does not mix.I do not agree with females and males playing together. Females aren’t as tough as boys. If they allow girls and boys to be on the same sports team someone will get hurt. Girls can’t take as many hits as boys can. Boys are just as tough as they can be,and they won’t change the way they play for any girl. Females are cry babies when it come to one scratch that burns, so I don’t think they’ll want to play on a team ful of boys where they can get there arm broken or something in that matter.They may think it’ll be fun at first.but when they constantly getting pushed down by boys they’re gonna want to quit. Females are way to clean to play a sport wth boys who love to get dirty. Females are organized, and like to play clean .From my research 90% …show more content…

Girls may be able to lift a heavier weight than a male, but boys are much stronger than girls.I’m not saying there isn’t a possibitly that there are some girls that are stronger than boys, but most likely it’ll be the other way around. Females don’t have as much strength in my eyes. There are some girls that bench more than boys, but in the cas eof them playing with girls that’s a totally different story. I just think that in all reality boys are stronger than girls. Female atletes should not be able to play with boys for many reasons.. Females are not as tough as they think they are. Girls are just little cry babies. Girls are just too clean to be playing sports with boys. They’ll freak out if any of there things are out of the place they were in .Females don’t appear to be as stromg as boys. Girls ,ay bench more than boys, but they aren’t stronger than them. Girls and boys should not play together, and that’s my final

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