Should Everyone Go To College By Stephanie Owen And Sawhill

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Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill, “Should everyone go to college”. Although considering going to college should be on everyone’s mind. College is not necessarily for everyone. It might be questioned whether one should decide to enroll into college, but as for those who feel like it’s not for them make the decision of not going.
Owen and Sawhill both say that “if the smartest, most motivated people are both more likely to go to college and more likely to be financially successful, then the observed difference in earnings by years of education doesn’t measure the true effect of college” (Owen and Sawhill, p. 209). However, they said that “researchers have attempted to get around this problem” (p. 209). So, while the issue was being prevented they still have not figured out how to measure the effect of college. “Hamilton Project research shows that 23- to 25-year-olds with bachelor’s degrees make $12,000 more than high school graduates but by age 50, the gap has grown to $46,500” (P. 211). Owen’s and Sawhill’s main point is that “college graduates make significantly more money over their lifetimes than …show more content…

And the percentage of those who graduate college versus those who only have a high school education, what their success rate is, if they were to graduate from a higher level of learning. However, they do not state that those who decide not to go to college won’t make the same amount of money as those who graduate with a better understanding of what they want to do with their lives. Owen and Sawhill also have a lot of data with numbers that dictates a certain thing, such as what one gets out of college versus what another doesn’t or out of high school. With that being said, are all these numbers factual or just an estimate of what it would look like if one actually enrolls into college? In the text, they talk a lot about how many return to college and the benefits of that

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