Should Driving Age Be Raised To 21

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There is one day of the year that every teenager around the world looks forward to: the day they get their license. This is the day they are granted total freedom on the roads. The legal driving guidelines include: getting your permit at age fifteen and getting your license at sixteen and three months. Everyone has their personal opinions on whether or not the driving age should be lowered or raised. Reasons the age should be lowered is the driving experience outweighs the age, the decreasing rate of crashes due to the training provided, proper instructors, and the elimination of bad habits taught by peers and parents. The legal driving age should be changed to fifteen and three months instead of sixteen and three months. Many will argue that sixteen is way to young to be driving a vehicle by themselves, but is it the age or experience that causes the worry? In an article written by Eric Peters he states, "A drivers experience and training probably means a whole lot more than age." Many car accidents are due to the lack of experience behind the wheel. Age plays no role in whether they are capable of driving a vehicle or not. With higher driving education and more efficient instructors there would be no worry about how old the driving age is. Shown in research was the difference of the crash rates in teens who took drivers …show more content…

Many of the young drivers that are involved in accidents are ones who have had no experience behind the wheel or learned bad habits from peers. Now with that being said many won't receive their license without approval from a certified instructor who agrees they are ready go drive by themselves. Most to all instructors aren't just going to pass a kid for the heck of it they will make sure they are truly ready to drive independently. Making sure they are not putting the populations lives in harm or worry about young drivers harming

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