Should Drinking Be Allowed In Schools Essay

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The idea of having more healthy drink choices in schools is a topic often debated by many people. I strongly believe that healthy and nutritious drinks should be served within the United State’s public school system. To begin with, doing so would help decrease the already high child obesity levels in the United States of America. Also, it would give the parent or guardian of a child going to a public school a better state of mind knowing that their son or daughter is consuming a healthy diet at school. Finally, putting healthy drinks in schools would benefit the health of not just some but nearly all of the students that eat the schools provided lunch and breakfast. As can be seen, serving a selection of healthy, nutritious drinks in United States schools would be a very good idea to consider.

First of all, replacing school drinks with healthier drinks such as, white milk, fruit juices, and water would help significantly in the lowering of the child obesity rate within the United States of America. The countries obesity problem is becoming larger and more widespread than ever, especially in its children. Kids are not as active as they used to be anymore, and adding nutritious drinks into schools might help cope with this growing problem. Doing this …show more content…

Making healthier choices leads to making smarter decisions later on in life, so doing this could help many kids to make better life choices. One choice being to choose drinks with a lower sugar content rather than more unhealthy drinks such as, sodas or kool-aid’s after they get out of school because the healthy drinks served in schools taught the to want to only drink things that are good for them. All in all, most parents worry about what their child may be consuming at

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