Should Cyberbullies Be Suspended From School?

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Imagine, a delicate student that goes to a large school, and he or she was getting harassed through social media. If the faculty is notified, the student should be suspended from school for cyberbullying. Since the bully should have a consequence for rude behavior to another student, the victim would feel safer, and the bully would learn from their mistakes. In today’s society, social media can be accessed anywhere via cell phone or other electronic sources. Teens are on social media platforms most of the day; in fact, studies show that students waste four years of their life viewing social media platforms. All in all, this leads to cyberbullying because a rude comment about somebody could be viewed by a lot of people, leading people to view the individual differently. In addition, cyberbullies should get a consequence because they have been rude to another person. For example, if a person had murdered another individual, the victim should get justice by having the defendant go to jail. Now, it may seem that cyberbullying is not as serious as a murder case, but, in fact, cyberbullying could mentally damage a teen and could cause them to do bad things, proving why a cyberbully should be suspended from school. …show more content…

Since, cyberbullying happens on the internet it could be accessed an anywhere, but if an adult stepped into the situation the victim would feel safer and have more confidence knowing that an adult had handled the situation. For example, if a child was to go to a haunted house and see a monster the child would be terrified, but if he or she are next to a loving adult he or she would not be as scared because he or she believes the adult would protect him or her. This example shows that the victim could feel safer in school by knowing he or she could count on an

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