Should Competitive Sports Be Paid?

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Forcing anyone to join a competitive sport has caused many arguments. Some people may think that joining a competitive sport is good because it gets people off their couch and active. Other people can argue that competitive sports, although they keep people active, they can cause horrible injuries, they can be a distraction, or they can cause people to have a very high self-esteem. Even though sports can be fun, they should be banned from schools. To start off the first reason why any kind of competitive sport is bad because they can cause severe injuries. For example getting a concussion which causes people to lose their memory. Not only that but competitive sports can also lead to breaking and bones. Or competitive sports can cause to have permanent bruises or scars. To add on sport injuries are 2nd in leading for emergency room visits (Kids’ Sports Injuries The Numbers Are Impressive, par.2). Also some kids get scared when it comes to competitive sports. A 10 year old boy told his dad, “Dad, I’m scared. I only have one brain, and I don’t want to …show more content…

To begin, competitive sports can be a distraction because they, “Take the children's eyes off their goal, their education”(Should Sports be cut from School?, par.3). For example they take their mind off what college they want to go to. To add on an article called “Sports Distracting Students?” says that many kids and teenagers, their grades start to go down because instead of studying at their house they are out playing sports(Sports Distracting Students?, par.3). Also sports are a distraction because now schools instead of worring about students education they are spending more money on sports equipment. They are using less money on academic classes such as math, reading, science, and social studies and they encourage kids to join sports which causes kids to get distracted(Sports Distracting Students?,

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