Should Christians Turn To Divorce

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The purpose of this paper is to argue that, Christians should never turn to divorce unless the specific criteria in the Bible is met. In today's society divorce has become more and more accepted. In fact, a study done by the American Psychological Association shows that roughly 40 to 50 percent of American marriages end in divorce. Divorce has been shown to have extremely harmful repercussions on some of the children and spouses alike. In some cases, those harmful repercussions range from dropping out of high school, severe depression, constant anxiety, abnormally high stress, intense sadness, and more common in teens, rebellion as a way to try and “get back” at their parents. These are all things that will ultimately harm our society …show more content…

It is important that Christians carefully examine the Word and seeking out what Christ says on this topic, and also seek to understand God’s idea.
Statement of Fact Divorce has been around since the days of Moses. In more recent times, the divorce revolution that has struck America truly began in 1969 when Ronald Reagan instituted the first “No Fault” divorce bill. “A no-fault divorce refers to a type of divorce in which the spouse that is filing for divorce does not have to prove any fault on the part of the other spouse. All a spouse has to do is give any reason that the state honors for the divorce. (”. Now, quite obviously this bill made it extremely easy to divorce and so naturally the divorce rates skyrocketed after that. The steady increase in divorce reached its peak in 1981, with roughly 5.3 divorces for every 1,000 people. This number might not seem huge but when taken into consideration that in 1981 there were roughly 229.5 million people in America, that really puts it into perspective. The church needs …show more content…

This divorce issue is a real problem and should be of concern to Christians. As previously stated, some of the biggest problems that sometimes can stem from divorce are severe depression, constant anxiety, abnormally high stress and intense sadness, we should seek to keep these awful things to a minimum since they hinder the society so much. Studies have shown, children of divorced couples are 2 to 3 times more likely than others to struggle (suffer syn) with psychological and/or social problems. Also, statistics show that children who grow up without one of their parents in the home, tend to have higher rates of being high school dropouts, with 31% of teens from divorced homes dropping out compared to the 13% of dropouts who come from still married parents. It has also been shown that 11% of teenage boys who come from broken homes tend to spend time in jail before the age of 32 compared to the 5% who come from intact homes. This is not to say that all children who come from dissolved marriages are terrible kids. There are plenty of kids who come from married couples who have struggled with the same and in some cases worse things. These statistics simply

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