Should Bystanders Be Able To Help In Trouble

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A issue that is highly debated is should bystanders intervene when there is trouble, bystanders need to be involved so they can stop the situation, and they should, bystanders can stop the situation by using their voices, when bystanders don’t stop the trouble, it can give the attacker encouragement to continue what they are doing, and finally, if the bystander can’t help, it’s an extra call away from contacting someone who can help. Yes, bystanders should have the right to intervene when there is trouble. First of all, why bystanders should be able to help and can help is that, when bystanders use their voices it can aware the attacker that people are watching and he/she may get in trouble. When bystanders use their voices they can potentially stop the trouble. “But perhaps an even more …show more content…

The simple act of yelling “stop” can transform a bystander into a protector” (Staley).This is important because when bystanders watch the trouble something very bad could happen to the person that is being hurt or bothered, but when they use their voice, they can stop that from happening to the person that is being bothered. Drawing attention to the attacker will signal a teacher or police into the attack by using bystanders voice. When bystanders yell or draw attention to the scene they could help save someone from possibly dying” (Fernandes). This evidence presents that if bystanders use their voices, a attacker will hopefully stop whatever they are doing and maybe he/she will notice that other people notice that they are doing that kind of thing and they won’t do it again. Not

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