Should Bullies Be Held Criminally Responsible?

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Imagine your head being stuck in the toilet every time in PE, being shoved in your locker ,and kids smacking your food out of your hands. Bullying can happen all around the world. In fact bullying is becoming a huge problem, but bullies can’t be deeply punished. They are kids not criminals they are not responsible for their own actions.

The evidence indicates that bullies should not be held criminally responsible for their actions because they don’t what their doing. For example, the data on, ‘Are Bullies Criminals,’ states that, “Kids are kids, they can’t fully understand how seriously bullying can affect someone.” In other words, the author is saying that kids are small they don’t understand. They think it’s fine. This fact illustrates that bullies should not be held criminally responsible because they think it’s a joke. They don’t understand what it can do. This matters because it shows how the bullies understanding can affect the way he hurts other kids. They are not in hot water when it comes to bullying. In summary, the evidence clearly suggests that some kids are unable to know when there are bullying. …show more content…

According to the article, ‘Are Bullies Criminals,’ it says “stopping bullying is the job of parents and schools. They’re the ones who should face the charges when bullying gets out of control.” Basically, the quote is saying that adults and schools are responsible for their punishment. Not only does the evidence reveal, but it also says that kids are innocent. This is important because the bad luck only hits the parents and schools. For these reasons we must know by now that kids are not in trouble for the problems they

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