Should Assisted Suicide Be Legalized Essay

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Humans deserve the right to die just as much as they deserve the right to live. No human should have the power to take another human’s right to live; they also shouldn’t have the power to take someone’s right to die. Assisted suicide should be legalized because the right to die is something every human should have. People with terminal illness deserve the right to end there life on their own terms.

Some people believe that assisted suicide is morally and socially wrong. According to the article “Washington Dc Passes Dangerous Bill To Legalize Assisted Suicide. Assisted suicide discriminates old people and black people. Assisted suicide is not a racial movement. It is an act of ending the pain for the people with terminal illness. Black people have the same right to choose assisted suicide as anyone else and the same goes for old people. The only purpose for assisted suicide is to help end the pain of terminal illness. Regardless of the arguments in protest of legalizing assisted suicide, there are far more reasons as to why it should be legalized.

Terminal illness can make someone’s life completely miserable, and assisted suicide would ensure that their lives would not be horrible. …show more content…

According to the article “Aid In Dying Movement Advances” by The New York Times, Two professionals must get together and decide that the patient will most likely die in the next six months. The two professionals also must determine that the patients requests are sound of mind. Doctors must also ensure they are not being terrorized to choose assisted suicide. A request for a lethal dose of painkillers must be asked for again by the patient 15 days after it was originally made in order for the drugs to be given to the patient. (“Aid In Dying Movement Advances”.) While there are official rules guidelines to follow there is also certain steps to follow in order to properly carry out an assisted

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