Should America make Healthcare More Affordable?

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Should America make Healthcare less expansive more affordable to have It’s nothing new that our nation is always coming up with something in stirring up a plan to create ideas on how this will affect individuals. Well the chances that’s affecting this nation is our healthcare system where you have millions of Americans struggling in trying to keep up with payments of the prices, is it really that serious that the healthcare companies are asking them to pay way more than what they should be originally paying for. It’s no wonder why so many families are losing money left and right and having to suffer bankruptcy in order to have the care they need for their loved ones and so forth. But have Americans reached a breaking point where something has to be done in order for us to save money for a rainy day absolutely because it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever for healthcare prices to be so high and off the track for instant around 70% of our healthcare dollars is being put on for treating chronic Illnesses. Second our nation spends about $765 a year on carless healthcare which features unimportant medical tests and produces. Third is performing reckonable accident Errors that been impaired on patients whereas the Amount also was listed at $1.7 Million from 2008.Fourth the U.S.reckless spends about 100-200 billion a year in curing uninsured patients. Fifth the most common talked about Drugs of all is Tobacco which increases up to about 96 billion. Healthcare not only does give patients importance of everything but also we even have technology equipment along with so many life benefits enhancing is ridiculously high and is way over the line. Which is why so many of our medical learners are not being trained enough to understand on the... ... middle of paper ... ...s quite a smart idea for us to having something as a backup plan because who knows what could potentially happen if we don’t have it where can lead to a serious turmoil. But let’s be real clear on this every American needs Health Insurance Despite the circumstances of what it can have on everyone we should have it reguardless.If the Companies are willing to provide a less expensive one then what’s the reason to overcharge us for all honestly The Healthcare companies want individuals to choose what they feel is best for them and what it can offer for support in giving them the right benefits to obtain for their life. Why should American settle for less when they can settle better to have the individuals we need to understand that its healthcare Companies is not based on the name it’s all about what you’re able to afford and how much can it cover in orde

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